A small guide to help you tighten up your interview-readiness and teach you how to feel confident during the job hunt process

You don’t have an “ask”

When talking to hiring managers, a common point of frustration has surfaced –– many candidates lack a specific “ask.” Hiring managers will have an inbox filled with potential candidates pinging them for help, but what they’re asking for is unclear. Do they want a full-time job? An internship? Do they just want an informational interview?

Next time you reach out, be explicit about the type of help you need.

For example:

You don’t know how to talk about yourself

It's essential to know the language used in the Design Field. I’m not advocating for the overuse of buzzwords, but understanding how to leverage industry phrases as you discuss the value you’ll bring is an important piece of the interview process. Certain phrases can help managers zero in on how your strengths might fit into their team structure

When asked about yourself and why you’re interested in X company, here’s what you should be able to communicate: